As a pest professional you know that accurate detection and treatment of bed bugs is critical to the success of any treatment. The first step in any bed bug treatment is the proper identification. Due to their small size and nearly translucent color, nymphs and bed bug eggs can be nearly impossible for the human eye to detect. Convectex is here to solve your detection problems with some of the most highly trained bed bug K-9’s available. With the right handler these dogs can be extremely accurate at detecting and alerting the handler to any bed bug sighting. The Best Detection Available Because of their accuracy, bed bug dogs are one of the best ways to find bed bugs. Whether you are doing a preliminary inspection or a follow up after a heat treatment, you need a detection dog by your side. The Convectex dogs are trained to be 95% accurate when detecting bed bugs. Because of the human sight limitations, even the best trained technicians are only about 30% accurate. Our dogs can also sniff out bugs hiding in hard to see areas like inside walls, under carpets, or inside furniture where a human isn’t likely to look....
Bed bugs are a serious financial problem to businesses around the country. Infestations are causing businesses to lose clients and valuable business hours due to prolonged and ineffective treatments. With traditional extermination methods an infestation could last for months, cost thousands of dollars and still result in a damaged reputation or lawsuit. Here are 4 main ways that bed bugs cost businesses money: Lost business: Depending on the type of business that has been infested with bed bugs there can be significant loss of customers. Hotels and motels are most known for having bed bugs issues and can suffer from many room that are un-rentable during a bed bug infestation. Exterminators, using traditional chemical extermination methods, can take weeks or even months before the problem has been solved. This means that those infected rooms can’t be rented during that time. A recent study by the Steritech Group found that out of 700 hotels nearly 25% of them had a bed bug issue in the 3 years under study. [1] Bed bugs infestations could be limited to a single room, but often spread to adjoining rooms resulting in blocks of rooms that are unable to be rented. The cost to your...
Top Bed Bug Infested Cities in the U.S. The United States is filled with bed bugs! The bed bug population has been rapidly growing for the past 10 years and has now infested every state in the US. While larger cities are the most “at-risk” for bed bug problems, many smaller towns and cities are also experiencing issues with these bloodsuckers. Here are the top 15 worst cities for bed bug infestations (according to CBS news - Minneapolis, Minn. Cleveland, Mass. Louisville, Ky. Indianapolis, Ind. Boston, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. Washington D.C. Dayton, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Denver, Colo. Chicago, Ill Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. New York City, N.Y. With simple, proactive, and professional bed bug exterminating methods many of the bed bug issues around the country could be solved. That’s why Convectex offers professional quality bed bug heaters at affordable prices. We want to GET RID of bed bugs for good. If you are a pest professional, business owner, or apartment manager and want to keep bed bugs out of your life, give Convectex a call! We can help you choose the right package for your needs. Help us keep bed bugs out of our cities! ...
For hundreds of years people have been using chemical treatments to control bed bugs and other insects. These treatments have not only been proved to be ineffective, they are also dangerous to the environment. There have been over 80 poisonings reported from traditional chemical pest control efforts. Convectex heat treatments offer a safer and more effective solution to solve your bed bug problem. The Dangers Chemicals Pose to You and Your Family Pesticides pose have a wide range of dangers to you and your family. Here are some of the most commonly seen and studied dangers from pesticides and insecticides. Skin, eye and nerve irritation Headaches and dizziness Nausea Fatigue Poisoning Cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma, brain, breast, and other types. It is also known that children that live in households where pesticides are regularly used are twice as likely to develop brain cancer vs. children that aren’t exposed to pesticides. Infertility Birth defects including impaired brain development, behavioral disorders and more. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Dangers Chemicals Pose to the Environment Pesticides are toxic to our environment and can cause serious effects to the world we live in. Here are some of the mot known dangers that pesticides pose to...
Business owners are realizing the importance proactive bed bug elimination. Bed bug control is important in every business, especially hotels/motels and multi-housing property management. Your customers are also becoming more aware of bed bugs and the possibility of finding them on vacations or daily outings. Don’t let bed bugs steal your profits this year! By setting up an effective bed bug elimination method, business owners can avoid the costly aftermath of a bed bug problem. According to the National Pest Management Associations (NPMA) bed bugs were the most search pest online in 2015. Some of the top searches include pictures of bed bugs, facts about bed bugs and biological information.[1] This not only proves that bed bugs are on the minds of many Americans, it also shows that people are looking for ways to detect and rid themselves of these pests. People are realizing that they could come home with bed bugs after a simple trip to the movies, or from taking public transportation. They are also taking action against the bugs and the negligent business owners that allow for bed bugs to occupy their establishment. In fact, bed bug related lawsuits are so prevalent that law offices are opening...
Most people are unaware of the bed bug risk that is all around them. Most people know that bed bug are commonly found in hotels/motels, but they don’t know that they could just as easily “pick -up” these blood suckers on their way to work, in their leisure time or in the classroom. This year for bed bug awareness week we want to shed some light on the places you may find bed bugs in your everyday life. We also have compiled a few easy steps to identify and protect yourself from these tiny pests. Here are some lesser known places that bed bugs like to hide: School: As students are coming home from colleges and universities around the country, they should consider themselves lucky if they didn’t have a run in with bed bugs during the year. Bed bugs are living in dorm rooms, class rooms, locker rooms and office settings in almost every college campus. The McMaster University recently published a student article about the rise in bed bug issues at the school. They state that it is typical to see bed bugs throughout the school year, but there has been a rise in sightings in the past...