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                    Bed Bug Heat Treatments: What to Remove

    Bed Bug Heat Treatments: What to Remove

    Jul 1, 2024

    Bed bug heat treatments are the most effective way to eradicate bed bugs, and a little preparation will ensure the process goes smoothly. 

    Preparing your home for a bed bug heat treatment involves carefully considering what items must be removed and what must remain in the room to ensure safety and effectiveness. Heat can damage some household objects, so they need to be removed.

    Here's a detailed guide on what to remove and what can stay in your home during the treatment: 

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                    How Long is Bed Bug Quarantine? And Other Common Bed Bug Questions

    How Long is Bed Bug Quarantine? And Other Common Bed Bug Questions

    Jun 3, 2024
    Heat treatment is rapidly becoming the go-to method for tackling bed bug infestations. It's safe, effective, and eliminates bed bugs at all life stages. Whether you're a homeowner or a business, understanding pre-treatment, post-treatment, and best practices is essential. Today we’re answering some of your frequently asked questions to help guide you through the process.
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                    The Right Way to Treat Bed Bugs and Keep Your Home Safe

    The Right Way to Treat Bed Bugs and Keep Your Home Safe

    May 1, 2024
    Bed bugs are more than just a pesky annoyance; they are persistent invaders that can be tough to eradicate. When faced with a bed bug infestation, it’s tempting to try quick fixes to get rid of the problem ASAP. However, not all methods are safe, and some can even lead to disaster. So, you don’t make the same grave mistakes as some of the people in the stories below, we’ve outlined all the most common methods people try when trying to deal with a bed bug infestation in their home and given you the truth about their effectiveness.
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                    How To Prepare For a Bed Bug Heat Treatment

    How To Prepare For a Bed Bug Heat Treatment

    Apr 1, 2024
    When facing a bed bug infestation, heat treatment is the most effective method to eradicate these pests from your home. However, the success of this treatment heavily relies on proper preparation. Below, we present a comprehensive guide on preparing for bed bug heat treatments, ensuring the process is as effective as possible. Understanding Bed Bug Heat Treatments Heat treatments kill bed bugs with hot air using heaters and fans. The adult, larva, and eggs of the bed bugs will die when your home is heated to a temperature of 120 degrees for a specific time. They are effective because the heat penetration can reach all the tiny spaces where bed bugs hide without using any chemicals. But to ensure it works well, you must prepare the treatment area. Before the Heat Treatment Communicate & Plan: Make sure everyone in your household understands the treatment plan and how they need to prepare their space for the process. You may need or want to go out for the day or have family look after your pets for you.  Avoid Chemicals: Before the treatment, avoid using pesticides, such as bombs, foggers, sprays, or dusts. These can drive bed bugs into more secluded areas, making the...
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                    Bed Bug Heat Treatment Cost Near Me: Comparing Professional Services to DIY Solutions

    Bed Bug Heat Treatment Cost Near Me: Comparing Professional Services to DIY Solutions

    Mar 1, 2024

    When dealing with a bed bug infestation, time is of the essence. The discomfort and stress caused by these pests push many homeowners and business owners to seek immediate solutions–whatever the cost.   A heat treatment method is your best bet for getting rid of bed bugs quickly and effectively. This method efficiently eliminates bed bugs within a few hours at every stage of their life cycle, including bed bug eggs. Once the treatment is complete, the space becomes usable again once it cools down.

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                    What Type of Heater is Best for Killing Bed Bugs?

    What Type of Heater is Best for Killing Bed Bugs?

    Feb 1, 2024

    Dealing with a bed bug infestation is more than an inconvenience; it's a challenge that requires effective and efficient solutions. Among the myriad of options available, heat treatment stands out as a superior method, offering a chemical-free, environmentally friendly, and highly effective way to eliminate bed bugs at all life stages. Convectex heat treatment solutions offer a range of electric bed bug heaters that are not only powerful but also user-friendly, catering to residential use and business use alike.

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