Every year we see HUGE settlements awarded in bed bug related cases around the country. The risk of bed bug lawsuits isn’t reserved for hotels and motels either, we have seen cases won against public transport, theaters, apartments, and retail businesses.
Here are a few examples of large bed bug settlements awarded in the past 10 years:
Furniture Stores
A jury awards Adarien Jackson $225,000 after the bunk beds she purchased for her child was found to be infested with bed bugs. Jackson only sought $150,000 in damages, but the jury raised the stakes for the final judgement. This is a very rare occurrence in county juries, where damage compensation is awarded conservatively.
In 2008 a couple sued a JC Penny after their new furniture was delivered infested with bed bugs. The couple won a settlement of $49,000!
Apartments and Rental Homes
A tenant in Baltimore was awarded $40,000 when he sued his negligent landlord after he waited over 40 days to schedule a treatment for a bed bug infestation. This was the first successful bed bug lawsuit won in Baltimore at the time.
Residents in Des Moines, Iowa were awarded $2.45 million in a settlement for damages caused by bed bugs in their apartment complex. The residents initially sought $1.4 million, but the judge awarded the extra $1.05 million in the end judgment. The class-action lawsuit was won by 300 current and former residents.
Two siblings sued a Motel 6 in Chicago after receiving multiple bites during their stay. $382,000 was awarded to the family in what is one of the largest judgements of bed bug liability in history.
A Red Roof Inn in Washington D.C was sued by a woman in 2015 after she received bites and proved that the room hadn’t been inspected for bed bugs. The woman won $100,000.
How do you keep your business out of the court room?
Convectex is here to help! The most important step in keeping your business safe from a bed bug lawsuit is knowledge. By learning about bed bugs, how to detection them, and your treatment options you can save valuable time and money in solving a bed bug issue. Convectex provides everything you need to learn about bed bugs including professional training and support. We also offer all of the equipment you will need to start killing bed bugs with heat. Heat treatments kill bed bugs in as few as 8 hours all while being discreet and keeping your business operational. Learn more by calling 877-375-0005 and purchasing your professional quality heating package at http://convectex.com/collections