Historically, pest professionals have relied on the use of chemicals to reduce and control bed bug infestations. Recently, these pesticides have been proven to be ineffective in managing infestations due to bed bugs newly developed resistance. An informal survey of pest control professionals conducted by the University of Massachusetts found that 68% of bed bug infestations require 3 or more treatments, 26% require two treatments and just 6% of cases were solved with just one chemical application. Bed bugs have shown increased resistance to many widely-used pesticides since the discovery of the problem in 1957, when the bugs resistance to DDT was so widespread that the control method was changed to Malathion.
Current research at the University of Kentucky shows that bed bugs have become resistant to any products containing pyrethroids as an active ingredient. Further use of these substances and new chemical pesticide solutions may result in the bed bug population developing greater resistances, resulting in harder to kill bugs. This result would likely trigger an overcompensation by pest professionals to increase the amounts of chemicals used during bed bug extermination methods. This can be an extremely dangerous practice for the health of the pest control technicians and the customers with bed bug problems. Increased chemical use can cause allergic reactions, breathing problems, seizures, and other serious long term health risks including multiple kinds of cancer.
Pesticides have also been proven to be dangerous to the environment. DDT was banned in 1972 due to its effects on birds. Birds that consumed aquatic or terrestrial species that were exposed to DDT were found to have negative effects on their reproduction abilities and other health issues. Like many other chemicals, DDT was also able to work its way through the eco system and cause adverse health and reproductive effects to many other animals.
Finally, some people with neurological or other medical disorders may have sensitives to chemicals that would eliminate the possibility of use in their homes and place of business. For people like this any chemical application is not an option for pest control efforts and often leaves them with nowhere to turn to solve their bug problems.
Convectex offers heat treatments packages that are safe, eco-friendly, and ultra-effective against bed bugs. Heat treatments work by raising the temperature in the room to 120-140 degrees in order to kill bugs and leave them nowhere to hide. Heat permeates furniture, flooring, walls and ceilings to ensure that even the most hidden bugs are killed during the 1st application. When used as directed 100% kill rate is achievable in just 24 hours, without the need for any residual chemical applications or repeat treatments. Convectex offers packages designed for pest professionals, apartment and hotel managers, and individuals that wish to use the most effective bed bug elimination method on the market. For more information contact Convectex today and ask about finding the right bed bug package for you! Bed bug packages start at just $1,499.99 and pay for them self after as few as 4 treatments. Don’t wait for bed bugs to take over your home or business – get the HEAT solution today at 877-375-0005.